Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Achebe, Chinua. 1959. Things fall apart. New York: Fawcett Crest.

Bascom, Tim. 1988. The black African and the "white man's God" in Things fall apart. Cultural repression or liberation? Commonwealth Essays and Studies 11:1: 70-76.

Cobham, Rhonda. 1991. Making men and history: Achebe and the politics of revisionism. In Approaches to teaching "Things fall apart," ed. Bernth Lindfors. New York: Modern Language Association.

Gikandi, Simon. 1991. Reading Chinua Achebe: Language and ideology in fiction. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
Hawkins, Hunt. 1991. Things fall apart and the literature of empire. In Approaches to teaching "Things fall apart," ed. Bernth Lindfors. New York: Modern Language Association.